Tidal Power
Tidal Power or Tidal energy is the form of energy that converts the energy generated through the tides into the useful form mainly electricity. Tidal energy is not so common as compared to other forms of renewable energy. Tidal steam generators are there that converts the energy into electricity. There is kinetic energy present in the flowing water which is generated due to the change in tide. Same kinetic energy is converted into electricity. The energy form the tidal is could decrease the usage of nuclear power if associated to the radiation risks. Nearly 3,800 terawatt-hours energy is produced by tidal power yearly. However it’s expensive to derive the electricity from tidal energy costing around US$15 Billion. South Korea, France, United Kingdom, Scotland tops in the list of world’s biggest tidal power. Although not used widely, tidal power can be used in the future for the electricity generation. Tidal power has less availability as compared to other renewable sources due to the high cost and limited availability of sites with sufficiently high tidal ranges or flow velocities. There has been many technological developments and improvements which has resulted in the higher availability of the tidal power plants. Many revised design(e.g. dynamic tidal power, tidal lagoons) and Turbine technology(e.g. new axial turbines, cross flow turbines) have been introduced with aim of promoting the availability and accessibility of the tidal plants across.